Thursday, January 17, 2008


Ibn Hazm mentioned that from the benefits of knowledge is that it repels evil whispers from da soul n that it rids one of worries and troubles.

This is especially true 4 da one who loves knowledge, who studies constantly, and who applies in practice what he learned. The student of knowledge should distribute his time between memorizing,reading,researching, and reflecting.

Knowledge is da key 2 serenity and ease

Knowledge and an easy-going nature are like two inseparable companions:if the first is present, the other can be counted upon 2 accompany it. If u study da lives of Islam's greatest scholars,you will find that led simple lives n they were easy 2 deal with. They understood da purpose of life n knew which issues were paramount n which were less important. Meanwhile, u will find that da most obstinate of da people r those who,without having knowledge, are ascetics. They misunderstand revealed texts n are ignorant of religious issues. The calamity of da Khawarij ( a deviant sect) stemmed frm a paucity of knowledge n understanding. They were not guided 2 understand that there are issues which are paramount in our religion, n which take precedence over other issues. And so they excelled in insignificant matters while failing miserable in lofty matters not 2 mention da mere basics.

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