Monday, January 21, 2008

Relief After Hardship

Hardship, no matter how great and far-reaching it becomes, never endures or lasts. Rather, the harsher and more difficulty one's circumstances become, the closer one comes to ease, comfort and relief. Then help and aid are forthcoming from Allah. Is not the end of every dark night a bright morning?

So, we must have to face all the hardship with our strong soul...


1) relief~rasa lega
2) hardship~kepayahan/kesukaran
3) endures~bertahan/kekal
4) rather~lebih tepat lagi
5) harsher~kasar/keras/kejam
6) circumstances~keadaan/hal/perihal
8) aid~bantuan
9) forthcoming~akan datang

1 comment:

Fathiah said...

just wanna share a poem ,
فلو جن هذا الليل وامتد سرمدا ,
فمن غير الله يرجع الصبح ثانيا
Do have faith in Allah no matter how har or dificult the hardships that he gave u :)